Monday 28 January 2008

Dicksonia Squarrosa

This is a rather curious tree fern which has an ability to spawn offshoots from its roots, base and trunk sides. It is rather frost tender at the very top of the trunk however so watch out. I originally came across this one in a garden centre which was selling it as a Dicksonia Antartica, even though the two look totally different. That Winter (2003/2004 I think Manchester suffered heavy frosts at -10c for many successive nights). This obliterated it even with the rather weak straw protection I had piled onto it.

The following year new fronds did not appear from the top, rather the roots and lower side of the trunk. It later died due to being fried by the 30c sun of the following Summer. It is now a rotting stump despite my best efforts to revive it :(

So, with these findings in mind the next one i bought i monitored rather more carefully. I have discovered the following:
  • It needs constant moisture. Do not place this guy in a sunny spot. It will quickly dehydrate and brown off the leaves. Spray it with your hose at least 3 or 4 times a week in the Summer... foliage and trunk(s) !!!

  • The fronds and the top growing point of the trunk will die off at -4c if wet. Offshoots will die off completely at -4c tops. The roots will be tough enough to survive much lower temperatures than this but the main growing area of the trunk will die.
You really need to bring this one into a damp area away from frost in the Winter (unheated greenhouse is OK with some fleece over it). They are pretty fast growers, and the fact they readily produce offsets is a bonus, so if you are willing to look after them properly then go get one !!!

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