This is a fast growing tree fern which forms a slim trunk covered in white hairs. It produces large fronds which are shaped like huge paddles. It looks very attractive sticking out of an area planted with ground ferns. It can take some good sun, and it appears to prefer it like this. Too much damp seems to rot it’s new fronds before they have a chance to unfurl.
Like Dicksonia Squarrosa the Cooperi tends to sprout new shoots from its base (roots around the base). I have seen snails attack these so watch out!!!
The only real downer of Cooperi is that it really hates the Winter. -2c will damage the fronds, browning them off on their tops. Not much more than this will kill it altogether (-5c). You should really take it into shelter for the Winter, such as a greenhouse, and heat it or cover it with fleece. I have found that the fleece can rot away the white hairs covering its trunk, but it doesn’t seem to mind this.
Cooperi is a difficult fern to get right. It doesn’t like the cold, it doesn’t like too much damp and it dries out fast in the sun. It is really one for a specialist collector.
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